Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest













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CONSTITUTION (les Statuts; die Statuten) of INTERSTENO

Art. 1 (Name, registered office and nature of the association)

1.1. Under the name of INTERSTENO - International Federation for Information Processing - an incorporated association has been formed. In this Constitution this association is further called: the Federation.

1.2. The official seat and jurisdiction of the Federation is in Bonn. It is entered in the Register of Publicly Acknowledged Associations.

1.3. The administrative headquarters of the Federation shall be situated at the residence of the secretary-treasurer.>
1.4. The Federation is a disinterested organization; it does not have profit-making goals. The Federation's means may be used only for aims in accordance with the Constitution. No financial gain from the organization's means accrues to its members. No person may benefit from expenditure that is outside the Federation's aims, or from excessively high fees.

1.5. The Federation does not allow any discussion of a political or religious nature.

Art. 2 (Aims of the Federation)

2.1. The Federation pursues, on the basis of unsalaried activity, exclusively and directly non-profit-making aims, as defined by the section of German Law on activities enjoying tax privileges. It promotes international thinking and understanding among people of all nations.

2.2. The domains of activity of the Federation are reporting, text- and information processing and secretariat. In this Constitution "reporting" means the capturing of the spoken word and the elaborating of the written word, "information processing" the processing of text and text related data for communication purposes with all technical means available, and "secretariat" the professional skills needed by all persons having a secretarial function.

2.3. The aims of the Federation are to provide an international platform for all people who work as professionals in, are interested in or study to become professionals in one or more of the domains of its activity. They are the persons for which the Federation is meant. In this Constitution they are called: the professional groups.

2.4. The Federation shall stimulate mutual understanding of the cultures and values in the countries of its members concerning its domains of activity.

2.5. The aims of the Federation are in particular:

a.       to associate the professionals, teachers and students in its domains of activity in all countries;

b.   to encourage the maintenance of high standards of competence and performance of the above mentioned professionals and teachers during their professional life by using the most modern technical means and to encourage appropriate training and educational facilities and programmes for the above mentioned students, especially in developing countries;

c.        to promote the use of new technologies and lawful and proper technical and business research, which can help to enhance services offered by its professional groups;

d.     to co-operate with national and local governments, non governmental organizations or international public and private agencies, such as Unesco, on the basis of specific programmes for its professional groups;

e. to centralize and to spread information of a professional nature, including information about the experience of professionals working in co-operation with local governments, public institutions and private companies, among its members in order to enable them to promote the best possible use of human resources;

< f. to organize meetings and to establish personal contacts among its members;

g. to organize international contests in its domains of activity, if possible with world championships;

h.    to advance joint studies concerning its domains of activity:

i. to defend the moral and material interests of the professional groups, referred to in article 2.3.

Art. 3 (Structure of the Federation)

3.1. The bodies of the Federation are:

a. >        the General Assembly

b. >       the Central Committee;

c. >        the Board;

d. >       the Jury for the International Contests

e. >        the Scientific Committee;

f. >        the Auditing Committee.

3.2. In this Constitution the Jury for the International Contests is called: the Jury.

Art. 4 (Categories of members )

4.1. Members of the Federation are the National Groups, individual members and honorary members.

4.2. National Groups are full members of the Federation. A National Group has to be an artificial person in private or public law. Each National Group may organize itself at its own discretion and should at least represent professionals and teachers in one of the domains of activity of the Federation in the country in question. Each country is allowed only one National Group.

4.3. Individual members can be private persons, companies, associations or other organizations and parliamentary reporting services , whose membership is of importance for the enlargement of the working field of the Federation.

4.4. At the suggestion of the Central Committee the General Assembly may confer the title of honorary member on any private person who has rendered special services to the Federation. Honorary members are entitled to attend the meetings of the Central Committee and the General Assembly, but they are not entitled to vote.

Art. 5 (Admission of members)

5.1. A prospective National Group, wishing to join the Federation, has to apply in writing to the Board and to prove, to the satisfaction of the Board, that it represents at least one of the professional groups, referred to in art. 2.3. Only in such a case can a National Group become a full member of the Federation. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly, the Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorized to admit National Groups.

5.2. When two or more organizations in a country, representing the same professional group, apply for membership and seem not able to form one National Group, the Central Committee, on the proposal of the Board and subject to ratification by the General Assembly, is authorized to solve this problem in the best possible way.

5.3. The Federation will promote the formation of National Groups in those countries where, as yet, none exists. Pending their formation the Board can authorize private persons or organizations, representing a National Group in formation, to participate in the activities of the Federation, without being entitled to vote.

5.4. When a professional section. referred to in article 20.1, has been formed, the organizations of the professional group in question taking part in it, are individual members of the Federation, irrespective of the existence of a National Group in their countries.

5.5. Other individual members from countries not yet having a National Group can be admitted under the conditions of art. 5.7. Other individual members from countries where a National Group already exists, can be admitted under the conditions of art. 5.8.

5.6. A prospective individual member, who does not belong to a professional section and wishes to join the Federation, has to apply in writing to the Board and to prove, to the satisfaction of the Board, that his or her membership can be of importance for the Federation.

5.7. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly the Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorised to admit individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where no National Group exists. When in such a country a National Group is formed afterwards, the Board has to judge if the individual members already admitted can continue their membership. If the membership cannot be continued, the Board shall recommend the individual members to join the new National Group. The Board shall present a proposal concerning this matter to the Central Committee, that has to decide.

5.8. The Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorized to propose to the General Assembly the admission of individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where a National Group exists. Such an admission may not harm the interests of the National Group in question. If the Central Committee concludes that this is the case, it is not authorized to propose the admission to the General Assembly.

Art. 6 (Resignation and expulsion of members)

6.1. National Groups and an individual members, wishing to resign their membership, will have to give notice in writing to the secretary-treasurer three months before the end of the current year. The secretary-treasurer informs the Central Committee as soon as possible. Members who have resigned shall remain liable to pay the subscription fee owing for the year in which they resigned.

6.2. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly, the Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorized to expel any National Group or individual member who has been in arrears in payment of their membership fee for more than two years and to exclude a National Group or an individual member whose actions are contrary to the interests of the Federation. The Board has to convince the Central Committee that a member's actions are contrary to the interests of the Federation. Expelled members shall remain liable to pay their arrears of subscription.

6.3. A decision to expel may be taken only after the member liable to expulsion has been invited to make known his or her submissions in writing within a month of the dispatch of a registered letter, which contains the proposal and the reasons for expulsion. If the member's written submissions include a request to give an oral explanation, such member must appear before the General Assembly that has to ratify the decision of the Central Committee.

Art. 7 (Representation)

The Federation is represented legally by the president and in the absence of the president by the vice-president or the secretary-treasurer.

>Art. 8 (General Assembly; composition and powers)

8.1. The General Assembly consists of the delegates of the National Groups and the individual members. It is the highest authority of the Federation.

8.2. The General Assembly shall exercise the powers vested in it by statute or the Constitution.

8.3. The task of the General Assembly is in particular:

a. >        to nominate, on the proposal of the Central Committee, the president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer as members of the Board;

b. >       to nominate, on the proposal of the Central Committee, the Auditing Committee;

c. >        to ratify the budget for the next two years provisionally approved by the Central Committee;

d. >       to authorize the Central Committee to decide provisionally on the budget for the next third year in case the next meeting of the General Assembly cannot take place within two years;

e. >        to ratify the accounts of the Federation for the period expired since its last meeting, as provisionally approved by the Central Committee, having taken note of the report of the Auditing Committee;

f. >        to fix, on the proposal of the Central Committee, the annual membership fees for National Groups and individual members for the next two years;

g. >       to authorize the Central Committee to decide on the fees for National Groups and individual members for the next third year in case the next meeting of the General Assembly cannot take place within two years, provided that these fees will not exceed the fees for the previous year with more than five per cent;

h. >       to ratify the decisions of the Central Committee regarding the admission of new National Groups and individual members and of professional sections;

i. >         to amend, on the proposal of the Central Committee, the Constitution;

j. >         to approve and to amend, on the proposal of the Central Committee, the By-Laws referred to in article 23 of the Constitution;

k. >        to decide on any other proposal submitted by the Central Committee;

l. >         to dissolve the Federation;

Art. 9 (General Assembly; frequency, notice and procedures)

9.1. As a rule the General Assembly meets during the international congresses of the Federation. In any event the General Assembly meets once every three years.

9.2. An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly may be called whenever required in the interests of the Federation. It shall be called on the requisition of half of the full members of the Federation.

9.3. The National Groups and the individual members are to be invited to a meeting of the General Assembly by ordinary post or by e-mail at least three months in advance. The invitation shall include an announcement of the agenda.

9.4. A record is to be kept of each meeting of the General Assembly. Resolutions are to be recorded verbatim. The record is to be signed by the president and the secretary-treasurer or their representatives.

9.5. Decisions can only be made on items appearing on the agenda.

Art. 10 (General Assembly; voting and decisions)

10.1. Each National Group is entitled to appoint three delegates. If the country in question has more than five million inhabitants one extra delegate for every five million inhabitants more can be appointed; the maximum being twelve delegates. Each delegate has one vote. Only delegates attending the meeting of the General Assembly can vote.

10.2. Besides these delegates each National Group may send other representatives to the General Assembly, but these are not entitled to vote.

10.3. Each individual member has one vote. Only individual members attending the meeting of the General Assembly can vote.

10.4. The General Assembly is entitled to make decisions irrespective of the number of delegates and individual members present. With due observance of the provisions of article 24.3 and article 25.3, a majority of votes is decisive.

Art. 11 (Central Committee; composition and powers)

11.1. The Central Committee consists of the delegates of the National Groups, one from each group, regardless the number of inhabitants of the country of the group, the members of the Board and the co-ordinators of professional sections, referred to in article 20.3.

11.2. For each meeting of the Central Committee the delegates of the National Groups are appointed by the National Groups. The members of the Board are the president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer nominated by the General Assembly prior to the meeting of the Central Committee, and the nominated co-ordinators of the Jury and of the Scientific Committee. The co-ordinators of professional sections are the persons nominated by these sections.

11.3. Individual members and guests can be invited to the meetings of the Central Committee.

11.4. The task of the Central Committee is to judge the policy of the Board and to approve, when necessary after amending, the proposals of the Board.

11.5. The task of the Central Committee is in particular:

a.         to decide provisionally on the budget and the fees for National Groups and individual members, as presented by the Board, for the next and second year;

b.       to decide on the fees for National Groups and individual members for the third year, as presented by the Board, in case the General Assembly does not meet in the two years after its last meeting, with due observance of the provision of article 8.3.g;

c.         to decide provisionally on the accounts of the Federation covering the period since its last meeting;

d.        to nominate the jury presidents and, eventually, their assistants;

e. to nominate the co-ordinator and the other members of the Scientific Committee;

f.         to decide on the proposals of the Board regarding the alteration of the Constitution, the adoption and alteration of the By-Laws, referred to in article 23, the admission of new members, the nomination of the Auditing Committee, the creation of committees for studying or working out special problems and the creation of professional sections;

g.        to decide on the proposals of the Board regarding proposals of National Groups and individual members;

h.        to decide on the proposals of the Board, regarding the regulations for the international contests;

i.          to present proposals to the General Assembly for the appointment of the president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer as members of the Board or to appoint provisionally these members of the Board if no General Assembly is held before the end of their term of office.

Art. 12 (Central Committee; frequency, notice and procedures)

12.1. The Central Committee will be called to a meeting by the secretary-treasurer. The Central Committee will meet at least once every year.

12.2. At the request of five National Groups an extraordinary meeting of the Central Committee shall be called by the secretary-treasurer.

12.3. The Board decides which individual members and guests will be invited to attend a meeting of the Central Committee.

12.4. The secretary-treasurer calls the National Groups and the individual members and guests to be invited to a meeting of the Central Committee by ordinary post or e-mail at least five months before the date of the meeting. In this notification mention is made of the closing date on which members of the Federation can submit proposals to the Central Committee.

12.5. At least three months before the date of the meeting the secretary-treasurer informs the National Groups and the invited individual members And guests by ordinary post or e-mail about the proposals of the Board.

12.6. At least one month before the date of the meeting the secretary-treasurer communicates the opinion of the Board about the proposals of members by ordinary post or e-mail.

12.7. A record is to be kept of each meeting of the Central Committee. The record is to be signed by the president and the secretary-treasurer or their representatives.

Art. 13 (Central Committee; voting and decisions)

13.1. The Central Committee is entitled to make decisions if half of their members plus one is present.

13.2. The Central Committee decides with an absolute majority of votes. Each member has one vote. In case of equality of votes the president's vote is decisive.

13.3. Invited individual members and guests can take part in the discussion. They have an advisory function, but they are not entitled to vote.

13.4. The secretary-treasurer informs the members of the Federation, by ordinary post or e-mail, about the decisions taken by the Central Committee as soon as possible.

Art. 14 (The Board; composition and powers)

14.1. The Board is the permanent executive committee of the Federation. The Board consists of the president, the vice-president, the secretary-treasurer, the co-ordinator of the Jury, referred to in article 19.6, and the co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee, referred to in article 17.1.

14.2. In case of absence the vice-president is the substitute for the president as well as for the secretary-treasurer.

14.3. The president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer are nominated by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee for a period of four years. These outgoing officers are eligible for re-election. The co-ordinator of the Jury and the co-ordinator the Scientific Committee are ex officio members of the Board.

14.4. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly, the Central Committee is, on the proposal of the Board, authorized to appoint a substitute in case of death, retirement or illness of the vice-president. Such a proposal has to be communicated immediately to all members of the Central Committee, who can give their provisional consent by ordinary post or e-mail. Final consent has to be given in the next meeting of the General Assembly.

14.5. The task of the Board is:

-          to ensure the continuity of the Federation's activities by analyzing the current situation and creating on the basis of that situation and of foreseeable economic, sociological and technological changes a strategy for the years to come;

- >         to promote the formation of new National Groups;

-          to carry out all administrative duties;

-          to propose to the Central Committee the programme of the Federation's activities for the near future and the regulations for the international contests;

-          to control the financial affairs of the Federation and to present an annual budget to the Central Committee;

-          to draw up the agenda's for the Central Committee and the General Assembly.

14.6. The president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer are charged with the day-to-day management.

14.7. The secretary-treasurer takes care of the communication with the other members of the Board as well as with the other bodies of the Federation. He does the bookkeeping of the Federation.

14.8. The secretary-treasurer draws up an annual report about the activities of the Board in the past year and a budget for the next year. After the Board has given its consent, the secretary-treasurer presents the report and the budget to the Central Committee.

14.9. The co-ordinator of the Jury keeps the Board informed about new developments regarding the international contests. The co-ordinator of the Jury informs the Board about the opinion of the jury presidents about proposals from National Groups or individual members regarding these contests.

14.10. The co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee keeps the Board informed about scientific and technological developments in the domains of activity of the Federation and about its contacts with professional groups in countries where no National Group exists.

Art. 15 (The Board; frequency and procedures)

15.1. The members of the Board keep in touch with each other by e-mail about all subjects of importance for the Federation.

15.2. All members of the Board shall meet every year during the meeting of the Central Committee. During the year members of the Board can meet in person when this is necessary in the opinion of the president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer. The Board seeks to keep the travelling and hotel expenses of its members as low as possible.

Art. 16 (The Board; voting and decisions)

16.1. Each member of the Board has one vote.

16.2. The Board aims at unanimity in its decisions. In case of abstention of one of its members and equality of votes of the other members the president's vote is decisive.

Art. 17 (The Scientific Committee)

17.1. The Scientific Committee is composed of a co-ordinator and at least two other members. The co-ordinator and the members are nominated by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board for a period of four years. Outgoing officers are eligible for re-election.

17.2. Its task is:

a. to explore scientific and technological developments in the domains of activity of the Federation;

b. to propose on that basis cultural and scientific programmes to the Board;

c. to establish contacts with professional groups in countries where no National Group exists, to inform the Board about these contacts in order to enable the Board to promote the formation of National Groups in these countries;

d. to organize lectures during Intersteno-congresses in accordance with the organizing committee of the National Group in question, or during other Intersteno-meetings in accordance with the Board.

Art. 18 (The Auditing Committee)

18.1. The General Assembly nominates an Auditing Committee, consisting of three delegates.

18.2. By rotation three National Groups appoint a delegate each for this committee. The rotation scheme is drawn up by the secretary-treasurer in such a way, that only one National Group can be next in line if it was chosen to appoint a delegate for this committee in the last meeting of the General Assembly.

18.3.   The secretary-treasurer is obliged to provide the Auditing Committee with all financial documents needed for its work.

18.4. Prior to the meeting of the General Assembly the Auditing Committee scrutinizes the financial documents of the secretary-treasurer. In the meeting of the General Assembly the Auditing Committee reports on its findings.

Art. 19 (The Jury)

19.1. International contests in the domains of activity of the Federation can be organized. All members shall try to achieve that as many participants from their countries as possible enter the competitions. Participants have to pay the participation fee, fixed by the organizing committee, and have to comply with the contest regulations, decided on by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board. The Jury decides on the results of the participants and announces these results at the end of the contests.

19.2. The task of the Jury is furthermore:

a.       to organize the international contests and to deal with all problems arising during the contests;
b.      to propose to the Board upgrades of the regulations for the competitions in accordance with the needs of the organization of the next congress and with the developments of techniques and technologies;
c.        to advise the Board about proposals of National Groups and individual members regarding the regulations for the competitions.

19.3. The Jury consists of at least two jury presidents. Each jury president deals with a number of contests, connected with one of the domains of activity of the Federation,   and can have on request one assistant. The jury presidents and their assistants are the members of the Jury.

19.4. During each international contest the Jury is assisted by helpers. These are volunteers and no members of the Jury.

19.5. The jury presidents and their assistants are nominated by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board for a period of four years. Outgoing officers are eligible for re-election.

19.6. It is up to the jury presidents to nominate one of them as co-ordinator of the Jury, who will be member of the Board. The jury presidents keep in close contact with each other to assure that the one who is co-ordinator of the Jury can represent the interests of the Jury on the Board.

Art. 20 (Professional sections)

20.1. Within the framework of the Federation professional sections can be formed. A professional section is a fellowship of a specific professional group. It consists of organizations of the specific professional group in question and can only be formed if organizations from five different countries take part in it.

20.2. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly, the Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorized to agree with the formation of a professional section.

20.3. A professional section may organize itself at its own discretion, provided that its aims are not contrary to the aims of the Federation. It appoints a co-ordinator, who takes part in the work of the Central Committee.

20.4. Organizations belonging to a professional section, are individual members of the Federation.

20.5. When organizations belonging to a professional section resign their membership or are expelled and when, as a consequence, organizations from five different countries no longer belong to the professional section in question, this section will cease to exist on the basis of this Constitution. The secretary-treasurer shall inform all members of the Federation immediately about this circumstance.

Art. 21 (The Intersteno-congresses and other Intersteno-meetings)

21.1. If possible, every two or three years an international Intersteno-congress will be held. At every congress international contests or other international activities can be organized and lectures conducted.

21.2. The Intersteno-congresses are organized by one of the National Groups, eventually in co-operation with individual members.

21.3. A National Group, organizing an international Intersteno-congress, sets up an organizing committee and appoints a chairperson for the congress.

21.4. The organizing committee consults the Board beforehand about its plan for the congress. The plan has to be approved by the Central Committee or, in case of urgency, by the Board.

21.5. Financially the organizing committee is only responsible for the costs directly linked to the organization of the congress.

21.6. The Federation can give financial support to the organizing committee.

21.7. If no Intersteno-congress can be organized, an international meeting on a smaller scale can be organized by National Groups and/or individual members. In order to be recognized as an international Intersteno-meeting, they need the approval of the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board. The Central Committee decides, on the proposal of the Board, on the plan for such an international Intersteno-meeting, including the financial set-up, the question if international contests can be held during that meeting and if a meeting of the General Assembly can take place during that meeting.

21.8. Intersteno-meetings can also be organized in the interval of two or three years between Intersteno-congresses. For these Intersteno-meetings the rules of article 21.7   are applicable.

Art. 22 (Accounting period; financial means; liability)

22.1. The Federation shall have an annual accounting period commencing on January 1st and closing on December 31st.
22.2. The financial means of the Federation are:

a. subscription fees of members;

b. profits of other subscriptions and profits of sale of publications of the Federation;

c. subsidies, donations and legacies.

22.3. Each National Group pays an annual fee for each delegate to whom it is entitled.

22.4. The General Assembly has the right to fix a minimum fee for the National Groups on the proposal of the Central Committee.

22.5. Individual members pay an annual fee fixed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee. These fees can be different for different individual members.

22.6. Honorary members do not pay a membership fee.

22.7. For financial obligations the Federation is liable only with its capital. The National Groups and individual members are not personally liable.

Art. 23 (By-Laws, adoption and alterations)

23.1. The Board may draw up By-Laws to give detailed effect to this Constitution. The provisions of the By-Laws cannot be contrary to the Constitution.

23.2. The By-Laws have to be approved by the Central Committee, eventually after amending, and shall be binding on all members of the Federation after being adopted by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee.

23.3. After being adopted the By-Laws can be amended by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee.

23.4. For the adoption of the By-Laws and for the adoption of a proposal to amend the By Laws a majority of votes in the General Assembly is decisive, irrespective the number of delegates and individual members present. In the invitation for the meeting of the General Assembly in which the By-Laws have to be adopted or amended, the text of the articles shall be stated in full.

Art. 24 (Alteration of the Constitution)

24.1. The Constitution can be amended on the proposal of the Central Committee by a meeting of the General Assembly, held during a congress or by an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, convoked by request of the Board or of five National Groups.

24.2. In the invitation for such a meeting of the General Assembly the text of the proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be stated in full.

24.3. For amending the Constitution a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all members is required in a meeting of the General Assembly in which at least three-quarters of the National Groups and the individual members is represented.

24.4. If no such quorum is formed, a new meeting of the General Assembly shall be called as soon as possible. That meeting may validly transact its business regardless of the number of National Groups and individual members represented. This has to be mentioned in the invitation for the meeting in which the General Assembly has to decide about the alterations of the Constitution.

Alterations of the Constitution shall take effect only after they have been executed by a German notary.

Art. 25 (Dissolution)

25.1. The Federation is wound up if it no longer pursues its stated aims.

25.2. An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly shall be called to decide on a proposal of the Board, seconded by the Central Committee, to dissolve the Federation.

25.3. For a decision to dissolve the Federation a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all members is required in a meeting of the General Assembly in which at least three-quarters of the National Groups and the individual members is represented. If no such quorum is formed, a new meeting of the General Assembly shall be called as soon as possible and such meeting may validly transact its business regardless the number of National Groups and individual members represented. This has to be mentioned in the invitation for the meeting in which the General Assembly has to decide on the dissolution.

25.4. The Federation shall be wound up by the members of the Board then in office, acting as a liquidating committee

25.5. After all liabilities, expenses and the costs of liquidation have been settled, or all monies required for the purpose deposited, the net assets shall be paid over to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Art. 26 (Final article)

The National Groups and individual members submit to the Central Committee's rulings in all cases not provided for in the present Constitution. These rulings are subject to ratification by the General Assembly.

The first Intersteno-congress was held in 1887 in London. This version of the Constitution is adopted in Rome on July 19 2003 and replaces the version adopted in Amsterdam on July 20 1995. It was executed by a German notary.

Contents copyrighted © by Gian Paolo Trivulzio except where otherwise noted.
Interface entirely developed and copyrighted © 2002-2024.
All rights reserved.
In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.