Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest
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Intersteno Meetings and Italian activities

 21 - 29 Luglio 2007

Prague 46th Intersteno Congress (

23 Aprile - 15 maggio


V edizione della gara di scrittura in Internet

13-16 Aprile 2007


Riunione del Board dell'Intersteno.

2nd December 2006

Povo di Trento

La resocontazione - competenze, tecniche ed organizzazione. (il programma è visionabile nella home page del nostro sito) - i resoconti sono pubblicati nel sito dell'Accademia Aliprandi -

17th November 2007


Prima giornata internazionale di studi sulla sottotitolazione intralinguistica in tempo reale .

Contenuti e programma di quwesto interessante incontro, sono visibili al sito (italiano ed inglese).

A questo convegno sono state presentate relazioni da

Fausto Ramondelli

Gian Paolo Trivulzio - PowerPoint

Fabrizio Verruso

che potete consultare, cliccando sui nomi.

21st - 22nd October 2006

Milano - Italy

Il gesto grafico, tra piacere personale ed identità collettiva. Prospettive di ricerca sull'espressione scritta. (il programma può essere visionato al sito

 22nd - 26th September 2006

Antalia - Turkia Meeting of the Intersteno Council.

10th September 2006

Bologna - Italy

Incontro del gruppo Intersteno Italia - Hotel Guercino ore 10. E' necessario segnalare in anticipo la presenza alla Delegata Italiana.

25th April - 15th May 2006


IV Edition of the Internet keyboarding competition for students and senior competitors. New multilanguage formula

10-13th February 2006

Julich (Germany)

Meeeting of the Intersteno Board

14th January 2006


Meeting of the Italian Group of Intersteno

23 - 29 July 2005

 Wien 45th Intersteno Congress

25th April - 13th May 2005

III Edition of the Internet keyboarding competition for students.

4th - 7th February 2005


Meeting of the Intersteno Board

 3rd - 6th September 2004

 Helsinky Central Committee Meeting

15th May - 4th June 2004

II Edition of the Internet keyboarding certification competition

24th-25th January 2004

Milano First Board Meeting

15th - 19th July 2003


44th Intersteno Congress - Rome

4th - 15th May 2003

I Edition of the Internet keyboarding competition

24 February 2003

Roma Meeting of the Italian Committeee with Jury Presidents and General Secretary for checking operational plan and places of the next Congress in Roma.

27th September - 1st October 2002

Meeting of the Central Committee - Italy presented a detailed plan including names of speakers.

31 January - 1 February 2002

Lausanne Brainstorming meeting about the future activities, Statute and Congress in Roma. This meeting was hosted by Gabrielle Fasnacht and William Bonnet. Attending Mr. Gregor Keller and Joseph Stehing (Germany) - Jarolav Zaviacic and Helena Matouskova (Czech Republic) - Fausto Ramondelli and Gian Paolo Trivulzio (Italy) - Marlise Kulb (Austria)

Contents copyrighted © by Gian Paolo Trivulzio except where otherwise noted.
Interface entirely developed and copyrighted © 2002-2024.
All rights reserved.
In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.