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Palmarès des Italiens

Bologna 24 luglio 2004

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Proposte estere Helsinky 2004

Bologna 2004

Invito riunione Bologna

Hodonin 2002

Padua November 2002

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Hodonin 16/16th Novembre 2002

On November 15-16 the National Championship of computer typewriting of the Czech Republic was held in the business school in Hodonin. 
As President of INTERSTENO I personally testimonied the consideration of our Federation for the effort and the passion of the Czech National Group, led by Prof. Jaroslav Zaviecic (reconfirmed as president in the elections) and by the World typewriting champion Helena Matouskova. I was a guest of Mr. Zaviecic and the Czech Interinfo Group whom I thank with particular warmth. 
Hodonin is an industrial town with 30,000 inhabitants, situated in a part of the Czech Republic called Moravia, near the border of Slovakia and Austria. After the institutional changes in the last decade, Hodonin is facing heavy problems with unemployment, therefore educational institutions are trying to provide new means for upgrading competencies of both, young people and workers.
The school where the competition was held (a fine building of 1890s) is directed by a young headmaster Prof. Milos Prochaska, who transmits positivity and effectiveness; this is a vivid impression for the visitors who consider the objectively difficult conditions in which the country is operating.
Forty teachers, headmasters and professionals together with young competitors came to Hodonin to take part in the annual meeting of the Czech National Interinfo Group, a young organization which gives enthusiasm and enhances the mood of all of us. 
After the meeting and the election of the leading group the dinner came, a Moravian folk orchestra played local songs and after that three young girls sung Italian opera pieces. Special thanks for the pretty and very skilled interpreter Ingrid Moczerniukova, called by the headmaster for helping me during the visit what made possible for me to follow all the meetings.
The visit of the Polish delegation, guided by Mr. Aloisy Berger was appreciated very much. Thanks to the support of Prof. Zaviecic, Intersteno is enhancing effective relationship with that Group, starting from a qualified participation in the Rome Congress next year.
Also participated Horst Diehl, director of a business school in Essen (Germany) and former president of the German Shorthand Association, and Mrs Kulb, leader of the Austrian National group, together with her husband and Franz Sager, who kindly took me from Wien to Hodonin.  
All the participants were received in the town hall (recently and finely restored) by a very young mayor. He explained to us how the City is trying to favor the cultural exchange of students and teachers, since they feel this is a crucial means for enriching the citizens' knowledge and opportunities. In such a perspective is also the partnership with the Italian city of Cattolica. In the town hall  we also climbed many steps to the  Tower (art nuveau - 1902): from that height we could see the river Morava, which now signs the border between Czechia and Slovakia. 
In the competitions students used the ZAV software, which is having big success not only in the country. Prof. Zaviecic is working with passion and strength for releasing the program for other new languages 
In the awards ceremony I assisted the calls of young champions, traditionally but always with the same emotion. The impressive results (565 stroke per minute) are promises for the World Championship which will be held in Rome next year. I remember the happy face of a crying girl who was called many times to the stage, but I would like to thank those youths and all of those who are daily training themselves: Intersteno owes much to them and all the organizing committee will make special efforts for reserving them an adequate welcome and events for favoring each other's introduction and their own expressions. 
Fausto Ramondelli

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In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.