Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest

Proposition finale 27/03/03

Résumé des propositions

Proposition pour un nouveau Statut

Réflexions concernant les statuts

Statuto Amsterdam 1995

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Italian proposals for up-dating the Intersteno Statute

 2nd January 2006

Forewords: The German and Czech Intersteno groups have submitted general proposals for altering the Statute, on the occasion of the Congress in Vienna.

The Central Committe nominated a Commission headed by Cees van Beurden (NL) and of which the following persons are members: Fausto Ramondelli (I), Boris Neubauer (D), Linda Drake(USA), Jaroslav Polacek (CK), Jari Nittuinpeerä (Fin). This Commissions will sum up the proposals and make final proposition to the Central Committee which will meet in Antalya - Turkey at the end of 2006.

The following text has been edited and translated into English by Dottor Fausto Ramondelli.





Paragraph 5.7, substitute the first sentence as follow:


5.7. Subject to ratification by the General Assembly the Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorised to admit individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where no National Group exists.

5.7 The Central Committee, on the proposal of the Board, can admit individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where no National Group exists..


Paragraph  5.8, substitute the first sentence as follow:


5.8. The Central Committee is on the proposal of the Board authorized to propose to the General Assembly the admission of individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where a National Group exists.

The Central Committee, on the proposal of the Board can admit individual members, not belonging to a professional section, from countries where a National Group exists.


This proposal is intended to simplify the proceeding for admitting individual members. Individual membership has been very useful for INTERSTENO, as it enables to associate more bodies and people regardless they belong to a National Group.


Paragraph 11.5, substitute d) as follow:


d. to nominate the jury presidents and, eventually, their assistants;

d. to nominate the Jury President and G members


Modificare gli articoli 14.1-3 nel modo seguente


14.1. The Board is the permanent executive committee of the Federation. The Board consists of the president, the vice-president, the secretary-treasurer, the co-ordinator of the Jury, referred to in article 19.6, and the co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee, referred to in article 17.1.

14.1. The Board is the permanent executive committee of the Federation. The Board consists of the president, the vice-president, the secretary-treasurer, the Jury President and the co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee.

14.3. The president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer are nominated by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee for a period of four years. These outgoing officers are eligible for re-election. The co-ordinator of the Jury and the co-ordinator the Scientific Committee are ex officio members of the Board.

14.3. The president, the vice-president and the secretary-treasurer are elected with a secret vote  by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee for a period of four years. The Jury President and the co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee are ex officio members of the Board.


Modificare gli articoli 19.3-4-5-6 nel modo seguente:


19.3. The Jury consists of at least two jury presidents. Each jury president deals with a number of contests, connected with one of the domains of activity of the Federation,   and can have on request one assistant. The jury presidents and their assistants are the members of the Jury.

The Jury consists of the President and two members. In order to achieve its own tasks the Jury can nominate a group of assistants ("task force").


19.4. During each international contest the Jury is assisted by helpers. These are volunteers and no members of the Jury.



19.5. The jury presidents and their assistants are nominated by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board for a period of four years. Outgoing officers are eligible for re-election.

The Jury President and the two Jury members are nominated by the Central committee, on the proposal of the Board, for a period of four years.

19.6. It is up to the jury presidents to nominate one of them as co-ordinator of the Jury, who will be member of the Board. The jury presidents keep in close contact with each other to assure that the one who is co-ordinator of the Jury can represent the interests of the Jury on the Board.



The nomination of Jury members and Jury Presidents is a weak point of our new Statute. The proceeding for choosing the Jury Coordinator is not clear as well as the nomination and the role of other Jury members or assistants. During last World Championship the weakness of these rules revealed and many troubles had to be solved by the Central Committee or by the Board. Therefore these rules must be upgraded.

Jury should be composed by a certain number of members (three), one of them is the President who is the first responsible for the Jury activities and for such reason is ex officio member of the Board. The Jury should be entirely nominated by the Central committee and can autonomously organize itself also by nominating a group of assistants (the task force), choosing among the experts suggested by national groups (in order to ensure a large participation).

As agreed in the last Central Committee meeting in Wien, the "head" of the Intersteno (President, Vice President and Secretary-Tresurer) will be "elected" (instead than nominated) through a secret vote, in order to guarantee the transparency of the proceeding.


Modify paragraphs 21.2 -3-5-6 as follow:


21.2. The Intersteno-congresses are organized by one of the National Groups, eventually in co-operation with individual members.

21.2. The Intersteno-congresses are organized by one of the National Groups, eventually in co-operation with individual members. They can also be directly organized by the Intersteno Board.

21.3. A National Group, organizing an international Intersteno-congress, sets up an organizing committee and appoints a chairperson for the congress.

21.3. A National Group, organizing an international Intersteno-congress, sets up an organizing committee and appoints a chairperson for the congress. The same rule applies when the Congress is directly organized by the Intersteno Board.

21.5. Financially the organizing committee is only responsible for the costs directly linked to the organization of the congress.

21.5. Financially the organizing committee is only responsible for the costs directly linked to the organization of the congress. When the Congress is organized directly by Intersteno, a budget of costs and incomes must be prepared by the organising committee. This budget has to be approved by the Central Committee or, in case of urgency, by the Board.

21.6. The Federation can give financial support to the organizing committee.

21.6. The Federation can give financial support to the organizing committee in form of a loan, if the Congress is organized by  a national group.


This proposal stresses that Intersteno Congresses can be managed also by the Intersteno itself (without the intervention of a National Group. This can be particularly helpful if Intersteno want to organize a Congress out of Europe.

The financial support (only in case of Congress organized by a National Group) is always in form of a loan and should not be considered a donation


Paragraph 19.1, modify third sentence as follow:


19.1. ...

Participants have to pay the participation fee, fixed by the organizing committee, and have to comply with the contest regulations, decided on by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board.


Participants have to pay the participation fee, fixed by the organizing committee, and have to comply with the contest regulations, decided on by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Jury.


This proposal stress that the Jury has in charge the maintenance of the contest regulations, so that Central Committee should not be involved in endless discussion on technical issues. Central Committee decide on the rules proposed by the Jury, but can always deal and address suggestions for the competition rules maintenance. Thus the proceeding will be simplified and Central Committee attention can be devoted to discuss other strategic items.


Modify article 23 as follow:


Art. 23 (By-Laws, adoption and alterations)

23.1. The Board may draw up By-Laws to give detailed effect to this Constitution. The provisions of the By-Laws cannot be contrary to the Constitution.
23.2. The By-Laws have to be approved by the Central Committee, eventually after amending, and shall be binding on all members of the Federation after being adopted by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee.

23.3. After being adopted the By-Laws can be amended by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Central Committee.

23.4. For the adoption of the By-Laws and for the adoption of a proposal to amend the By Laws a majority of votes in the General Assembly is decisive, irrespective the number of delegates and individual members present. In the invitation for the meeting of the General Assembly in which the By-Laws have to be adopted or amended, the text of the articles shall be stated in full.

Art. 23 (By-Laws, adoption and alterations)


The By-laws are adopted and altered by the Central Committee on the proposal of the Board

 This proposal is oriented to simplify article 23 in order to ease the proceeding for adopting and altering the By-laws.







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