Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest

Proposition finale 27/03/03

Résumé des propositions

Proposition pour un nouveau Statut

Réflexions concernant les statuts

Statuto Amsterdam 1995

Désolés, la page désirée n'est pas disponible en français


Dear Friends and colleagues, this is a first draft of a proposal of a new Statute for our organization, I have worked on it toghether with our friend Gian Paolo Trivulzio, according to the "Consideration" that you find in different languages on the main page of this menu, and taking into account the debate that a group of u has had in Lausanne at the beginning of February.

Please consider that is only an attempt which is waiting for your precious advise and for your suggestions and comments. We will have time to discus on it in Madrid, but it is very important that you take it into consideration in these months, so that in Madrid we can work on a shared basis. I will be happy of providing further details on the idea that sustains my proposal and to agree with you needed amendments.

I hope that the aim of restyiling the Statute of Intersteno can become reality in next Congress in Rome, following the efforts that all we have done in the last years.

With my best regards

Fausto Ramondelli

20th April, 2002



Under the name of INTERSTENO – Worldwide Association of Information (Communication?) Processing – an association has been formed.

The Association pursues, on the basis of unsalaried activity, exclusively and directly nonprofit-making aims as defined by the section of German Law on activities enjoying tax privileges and by the rules stated by the European Union.

It promotes international thinking and the idea of understanding among nations.

The Association is a disinterested organization; it does not have profit-making goals in the first instance.

The Association's means may be used only for aims in accordance with the statutes. No financial gain from the organization's means accrues to its members. No person may benefit from expenditure that is beyond the scope of the Association's aims or from excessively high dues and/or fees.

The Association does not allow any discussion of a political or religious nature.

The official seat and jurisdiction of the Association is Bonn. It is entered in the Register of Publicly Acknowledged Associations.

It is represented legally by its President.

In particular its aims are: · To associate stenographers, typists, and, in general, reporters of all countries regardless of the means used in their activity;

· To enlighten and look after the profession of reporting, intended as the activity of a person, also within the frame of a company, devoted to rendering available the spoken language or any other form of communication for multimedia access by the means of fit technologies; to promote a broader understanding and acceptance of the reporter as an integral part of the communication treatment;

To gather, exchange, and spread all professional information; to further the exchange of professional knowledge and to disseminate, by all appropriate means and to the extent permitted by law, accurate knowledge and information with respect to the reporting profession;

·To organize meetings and to establish contacts among the associated members; to conduct educational seminars and conferences related to reporting; to advance joint studies concerning the reporting profession;

·To organize international contests in order to improve the human capabilities in the use of reporting techniques and technologies;

·To encourage, establish, and maintain high standards of professional education, competence, and performance of reporters; to stimulate and encourage the establishment and maintenance of appropriate training and educational facilities and programs for persons interested in the profession of reporting; to promote reporting as a successful career; to promote and encourage development of reporting skills by the use of updated and different technologies; to promote reporting technologies by all different methods; to conduct and promote lawful and proper technical and business research to enhance reporting services.

·To apply the knowledge and experience of reporters, working in cooperation with public institutions and private companies, in order that the public good may best be served, and to promote a broader understanding within the profession of the responsibility of a reporter to participate actively in the achievement of this objective;

·To favor the awareness of the public regarding the special competency, importance, and value of reporting; to cooperate with local governments, agencies, and other organized groups for improving the acknowledge of reporting benefits and for disseminating techniques and technologies, together with the necessary education of human resources;

·To cooperate with local governments, agencies, and other organized groups for the benefit of the reporting profession; to advance the interests and general welfare of the reporting profession; to defend the moral and material interests of the professional, individuals or groups;

To do any and all things that are lawful and appropriate in the furtherance of these purposes.

Members Members of the Association are individuals who subscribe to and support the purposes of the Association and pay the annual dues, regardless of being a juridical or physical person.
Each member can vote in the General Assembly.

Classes of members can be decided taking into account different benefits and different duties for various kinds of participants.

Bodies of Association The bodies of the Association are:
Vice President
Secretary Treasurer
Board of Directors
Scientific Board
Intersteno Parliamentary Reporting Section (IPRS)
Central Committee
Auditing Committee
General Assembly

Unless otherwise specifically provided by this Statute, a majority vote shall govern. No member shall vote by proxy.


The President represents the Association and performs all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. The Vice President aids the President in the leading activity and performs the duties of President while the President is absent or as otherwise necessary.

Secretary Treasurer

The Secretary Treasurer ensures the continuity of the Association's activities; carries out all administrative duties; controls the financial affairs of the Association; draws up the agendas for the Board of Directors, Central Committee, and General Assembly in consultation with the President; keeps the Central Committee informed of his activities.

Board of Directors

The policy-making body of the Association shall be the Board of Directors, which shall manage and direct the affairs of the Association.

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, the Secretary Treasurer, the Vice President (President of next Congress), the Jury President, and the Coordinator of the Scientific Board.

The Board of Directors may appoint ex officio members without voting rights.
A quorum shall consist of one half (1/2) of the full members of the Board of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors may participate in any meeting by conference call;  such participation shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

The President may request action by the Board via unanimous written consent. Unanimous written consent by all voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a valid action and shall be reported at the next meeting of the Board.

Jury The Jury is composed of the President and two members. The members are nominated by the Central Committee within its members on proposal of the Jury President.

Its duty is to constantly upgrade the rules for competitions in accordance with the needs of the organization of the next Congress and with the development of techniques and technologies. On the occasion of each Congress or international competition, on proposal of the Jury and after hearing the views of the President of the next Congress, the Central Committee shall vote on upgraded rules.

The Jury for each Congress or international competition nominates as many Jury assistants as are needed from the competitorsÂ’ countries and is in charge of the fair organization of contests.

Scientific Board The Scientific Board is composed of the Coordinator and two members. Members are nominated by the Central Committee on proposal of the Coordinator within its members.

Its duty is to follow the studies and the research of Intersteno in the fields of its activity, to organize the Congress sessions, and to propose cultural and scientific programs to the Central Committee.


In order to ensure the effectiveness of the Association in all countries and to follow special tasks, the Board of Directors may appoint up to 15 Zone or Special Delegates. The task of Delegates is to promote the Intersteno activities in the assigned areas according to the Statute and to the indications of the Board.

Members belonging to one country or to a group of countries may propose their own candidate.

Intersteno Parliamentary Reporting Section (IPRS)

The Intersteno Parliamentary Reporting Section (IPRS) is an autonomous body within the frame of the Intersteno Association, which keeps contact among the Parliamentary reporting services in the world and their professionals. According to its own rules, the IPRS elects a Coordinator who is by right a member of the Central Committee.

Central Committee The Central Committee is the consulting body of the Association. It shall be composed of the Board of Directors, the Delegates, and the Coordinator of the IPRS. It meets at least once a year.

Its function consists of preparing the General Assembly, drawing up the program of the Association's activities and the contest regulations, supervising and assisting the Board, and solving all problems important for the Association. It is entitled to nominate committees for the study or the working out of special problems (e.g., the editorial work of an informative periodical).

If no General Assembly can be held, it appoints members of the Board of Directors.

A quorum of one half (1/2) of the full members and at least three fifths (3/5) of the Board of Directors is requested for decisions of the Central Committee. As far as applicable, the same rules of the Board of Directors are used for the Central Committee meetings.

Auditing Committee The Auditing Committee is composed of three members elected by the Central Committee on proposal of the Secretary Treasurer. Members of the Auditing Committee cannot be members of the Central Committee.

General Assembly, Congress, Competitions The General Assembly is composed of all members of the Association and is the main authority. Only members who have duly subscribed the dues can vote.

It meets normally on the occasion of the Congress. A record is to be kept of the General Assembly. Resolutions are to be recorded verbatim. The record is to be signed by the Secretary Treasurer and by the President. Decisions can invest only items included in the agenda.

An extraordinary General Assembly is convoked by the President in cases foreseen by the Statute.

Every two years a Congress will be held. In every Congress international contests or other international activities can be organized. The details are laid down in accordance with special regulations by the Central Committee or, in case of urgency, by the Board.

Elections Only members shall be eligible to hold an elective office of the Association.

The President is elected by the General Assembly and serves a four-year term.

The Secretary Treasurer is elected by the General Assembly and serves a six-year term.
The President, on proposal of the Secretary Treasurer, nominates the Vice President, who is normally the President of the next Congress. The Vice President serves until the end of the next Congress.

The Jury President and the Coordinator of the Scientific Board, on proposal of the Secretary Treasurer, are elected by the General Assembly and serve a four-year term.


The Association budget is prepared by the Secretary Treasurer, checked favorably by the Auditing Committee, and adopted by the Central Committee with a majority vote and three fifths (3/5) of the Board of Directors.

The financial means at the disposal of the Association are:
a) membersÂ’ fees;
b) subscriptions and sale of publications;
c) subsidies, donations, and legacies.

The annual dues shall be payable in Euros and shall be set by the General Assembly.
Any increase in the annual dues shall be recommended by the Central Committee and approved by the General Assembly.
The General Assembly can fix different dues for companies or other bodies in membership.

The annual dues are due and payable by January 1 of each year. Rules for sustaining expenses of the Board of Directors and other bodies of the Association are decided by the Central Committee.

Amendments of the Statute

The existing articles may be revised by an extraordinary General Assembly.

For modification of the articles, a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the votes is required.
If the organization no longer pursues its stated aims, its assets will be passed on to the Red Cross.

The Central Committee has the right to decide above what is not provided for in the present Articles. In such cases decisions are to be ratified by the General Assembly.

The first Articles of INTERSTENO were drawn up in Monaco on August 1, 1959.
The latest modifications were adopted in Rome on July 19, 2003.



Contents copyrighted © by Gian Paolo Trivulzio except where otherwise noted.
Interface entirely developed and copyrighted © 2002-2024.
All rights reserved.
In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.